The Devil is NOT in the Details // Kansas City Wedding Photography

Some people just don't "get" weddings.

They say things like:
"They are all the same."
"If you have been to one you have been to them all."

But that is just so untrue! I have photographed enough weddings to know just how untrue that is!

When you plan your wedding you pay attention to so many little details.

You put effort and thought into each and every little thing.

No one guest is ever going to see or know the story behind each nuance and bit of personal history you carefully and thoughtfully instilled into your day.

That is where I come in.

I ask questions to make sure I know about the precious mementos, the delicate darling things, the little bits that make your wedding YOURS. Then I make sure to stage and capture them beautifully on your day so that you have the memory of them for generations to come, so that great grand children can look back and know sweet little truths about their family heritage.


This photo is from a wedding where the bride did not have anyone stand up with her, but she pinned three of her sorority sister's pins onto her bouquet and carried it down the aisle along with her grandmother's handkerchief.

This is something that made her wedding unique.

This is something she told me about before the big day because pre-wedding communication is a huge deal for me.


I don't want to be asking you on the day. You should be able to relax and enjoy while the professionals take care of everything around you. I want you to be able to forget about the details because I have everything under control and you can just float through you day knowing that everything important will be captured timelessly and beautifully.

Want to learn more about me and my wedding services?

Fill out my BRIEF contact form :)