Jessica // Los Angeles Senior Photos

It is a cold day here today in the mid-west, but it is always sunny in Los Angeles! I was looking back through the old blog and realized that I had somehow not posted this great session from earlier this fall.

After a month or so of emailing back and forth with mood boards and ideas for the shoot - Jessica and I met up in scenic Malibu. Jessica is an honor roll student with her eyes set on changing the world. I think my favorite thing about this session is your can feel her passion for life, her honesty coming through in these photographs. She is just the sweetest, brightest thing and I cannot wait to see her power unleashed into the world when she graduates.

I think my favorite thing about shooting seniors is how they remind me to be passionate about life - to never stop striving or phone it in. You are never too old to chase your dreams. You are never too far gone that you cannot make a positive change.

So here is Jessica. Watch out for her, everyone. She is going to do amazing things!