Ten Tips to Make Sure You're Photo Shoot Ready!

 1.) Hydrate!
Hydrated skin is beautiful skin. Increasing your water intake is one of the easiest and most impactful ways to improve your photo experience. Not only is it a loving way to connect with your body, it is a habit you can continue after your shoot for even better results!

2.) Schedule beauty treatments ahead of time.
It is NOT recommended to schedule your nail, hair, spray tan, waxing, facial, filler, etc appointments ALL the day before your boudoir session. In fact, we recommend spacing them out and making sure you don't stress yourself out too much. 

3.) Stay out of the sun
Depending on the time of year you may or may not be soaking up all the vitamin D you can. That’s fine! But for the next two weeks try to keep your tanning to a minimum so you don’t have any extreme tan lines that may not mesh with your outfits. If you do have to be outside I recommend trying to stay in the shade, wearing, and investing in a really great sunblock.

4.) Try on your outfits! 
You can do this in the privacy of your own bedroom or have a fashion show for your significant other or a friend. Make sure the pieces are comfortable, fit well (no gaps and/or significant cutting into your skin), and that you like them. 

PRO TIP: Try them on first thing in the morning and look at a mirror in natural light if possible. This will most accurately reflect how your pieces will look in your shoot. Also know that you will be posed to perfection so all we are looking for in this is for the fit! I take care of the rest.

5.) Get a good night’s sleep before you shoot
Set yourself up for success by limiting screen time the night before your shoot and getting into bed a little earlier than normal (if possible). Don’t scroll instagram late into the night. Give yourself the gift of good rest. Your body and skin will thank you! 

6.) Pack your bags early
If it is possible - make sure everything you want to bring for your photo shoot is packed ahead of time. This will help prevent the last minute scramble and give you more peace of mind that you will have all your outfits ready to go!

7.) Take a nice long relaxing bath or shower
It can be 10 minutes or 2 hours - whatever you have time for - but give yourself a little more time than normal to really feel bright and polished and clean! 

8.) Don’t forget to eat!
Especially on the day of your photo shoot. Do NOT skip breakfast! We promise you will not look thinner. It will only make you cranky.

9.) Lotion Up
If you don’t already have a nightly lotion routine - now is a great time to start! Pick out a lotion that you really enjoy the feel and smell of, and commit to applying it to your arms and legs each night before bed. Even if you do this for only the week of your session - you will see a big difference in the evenness and appearance of your skin.

We know that having a photo shoot can be nerve wracking! That is totally normal. You don’t get in front of the camera every day. Most people don’t! But you are in good hands. I have over a decade of experience behind the camera and I’ve invested thousands of hours (and dollars) to make sure I know exactly how to make YOU feel amazing and beautiful. So take a deep breath. I’ve got you!

Leah Gunn Emerick