Planning a Wedding And Staying Calm: It Is Possible

LGEmerick, Wedding Photography, Kansas City, KCMO

One of the best moments in anyone’s life is when they realize they are ready to get married. They have the perfect partner, a good career, and everything has fallen neatly into place. But after the proposal (and then jumping up and down shouting Yes), you need to focus on the wedding, but as exciting as this is, it also comes with a lot of stress. This is enough to make anyone wonder whether it’s worth it, and of course, it is, you just need to stay calm, which is possible. 

LGEmerick, Wedding Photography, Kansas City, KCMO

Let Someone Else Do It All 

What’s the best way to stay calm during your wedding planning? Hiring someone else to do it, of course. Professional wedding planners know exactly what to do in a range of problems, from struggling to get the perfect venue to someone forgetting the wine. Of course, if it was that easy, everyone would get one, so consider the pros and cons of a wedding planner and decide whether it’s right for you. If you’re someone who loves to take part in every step of the way, it may not be for you. The great thing about hiring a wedding planner is that they can sort out any tent rentals you need, while also organizing the times for everything, which can be a major bonus when the big day comes around.


Celebrate Every Tick-Off 

If you choose to plan the wedding yourself, you might feel like you will never reach the end and the big day will never come. However, celebrating everything you manage to tick off along the way will help you keep your eyes on the prize and keep you calm. Whether it’s getting the perfect bridesmaid dresses or booking the wedding band you’ve always wanted, it’s important to celebrate significant steps forward. Even choosing the napkins is something to get excited about, as it means you’re getting closer to the big day. 

LGEmerick, Wedding Photography, Kansas City, KCMO

Plan On Making the Day Fun 

Everyone wants their guests to have fun at the wedding, but this can add another level of pressure to the day when you have enough to deal with already. If you're planning a summer wedding (and the weather holds up), some outdoor activities can ensure your guests have a great time, and also takes the pressure off you and your partner trying to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. No one needs an excuse to enjoy a wedding, but a few games here and there can make it much easier for them. 

LGEmerick, Wedding Photography, Kansas City, KCMO

Remember Why You’re Doing This 

Stress and wedding planning go together like peas in a pod. But, as stressful as everything can (and will) get, you and your partner must remember why you’re doing this. You are getting married to celebrate and solidify your love, and this means that aloof the stress and worries will be worth it. If nothing else works, remembering this will help you keep on pushing forward even when you feel overwhelmed. 

LGEmerick, Wedding Photography, Kansas City, KCMO


There will come a time in the minutes just after your wedding where you’re ready to collapse onto the bed and let out a sigh of relief. All the stress, worry, and anxiety will ultimately be worth it, and you have yourself, your partner, and anyone else who helped out along the way to thank for that.