4 Tips to Manage Pre-Proposal Nerves

A lot has been said about staying calm while planning a wedding, but this is not the only time partners can feel the nerves. Pre-proposal nerves are also common, especially when you consider how life-changing the question is. If you are planning to propose soon, make sure you have your nerves under control before you get down on one knee and pop the question. 

Plan, and Plan Some More

The easiest way to calm any nerves before you propose to plan, and then plan some more. You should start planning the proposal as early as possible, and this includes looking at unique engagement rings that will arrive on time so you can make sure you have something to put on their finger.

Besides this, make sure you know what you’re going to say. If you’re going to speak from the heart on the bay, you should at least have an idea of how to start and then ad-lib as you go along. You may also want to plan something special, so get started on this as early as possible to avoid any disappointment. 

Make Sure You Have Communicated

There is nothing worse than your partner saying no after popping the question. But for the most part, this doesn’t happen as long as you communicate with your partner beforehand. It’s not enough to mention marriage casually. You need to have a serious discussion about your future. 

Knowing for certain that your partner will accept your proposal goes a long way towards calming any nerves. You’ll still be a little nervous. Who wouldn’t be? But at least you save yourself - and them - the embarrassment because you’ve rushed into things.

Keep a Clear Head

If you’re thinking of loosening your tongue and getting some liquid courage beforehand, don’t. You don’t want to slur your words or seem too bold and boisterous before proposing, as this can ruin the moment for both of you.

It’s fine to enjoy a drink or two if the occasion calls for it, but you’ll feel much better if you keep a clear head. Not only will you be able to say everything you want to - because you shouldn’t need liquid courage to tell your partner how you feel - but you’ll also eliminate the risk of saying something dumb.

Speak To Friends and Family

If you are feeling nervous about your proposal, you can speak to friends and family on both sides to get reassurance. You may even need them to help with the proposal, so you can bounce ideas off each other. 

This support is invaluable, and it can help you arrange things that you might not have the chance to do. If you’re spending an entire day with your partner leading up to the proposal, your friends can organize the venue or location so it’s ready for the big question.

Calming Nerves

You don’t want to be a stammering, blubbering mess when trying to detail how you love everything about your partner and want to spend the rest of your life with them. Nerves can strike anybody, but as long as you know how to keep them under control, your proposal will be perfect, and you’ll encounter no problems at all.