Meaningful Holiday Shopping Made Easy // Product Review

Believe it or not, holiday shopping season is just around the corner!

I do not think there is a day that goes by that I do not look at my calendar and gasp. Only two more days in October? YIKES! Where has all of the time gone?

Perhaps this is why in the past I have always been a bit of a last minute shopper. I am fully in denial of the fact that Christmas is almost here until it is December 23rd. This year, however, I have decided to change my narrative. Especially after receiving these awesome customized samples from Bridemaid’s Gifts Boutique and Groovy Guy Gifts.

I’ll be real. I do not really gravitate towards customized pieces. Probably because customization takes a bit more thought and time and I have already confessed to being the ultimate last minute shopper, but I was really impressed with how quickly these items arrived in my mailbox. The necklace was at my door within four days of placing my order and the compact wallet was there within a week. Wow! Way less time than I thought would be the case, for sure.

Beyond the quickness of delivery I was also impressed with the quality.

First I am going to talk about the engraved bar necklace from Bridemaid’s Gifts Boutique.

I really like the box it came packaged in with the foam insert to hold the necklace well for presentation. It gave a really nice feel and would make it SO easy to just tie a bow around the box and gift it to someone special. It could be a bridesmaid, friend, lover, mother… Whatever! I chose to have my wedding anniversary date inscribed and the best part was that they figured out the roman numerals for me (because honestly who has time for that?). Now whenever I wear this beauty I am carrying a symbol of my love close to my heart which not only looks good, but it feels good.

I mean, check out how cute it is:

The engraved bar necklace from Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique in the original box shipped with the necklace. So cute! Great presentation.

The engraved bar necklace from Bridesmaid Gifts Boutique in the original box shipped with the necklace. So cute! Great presentation.

The necklace out of the box sitting on one of my geodes just because it was too pretty to not show again.

The necklace out of the box sitting on one of my geodes just because it was too pretty to not show again.

The necklace compared in length to a standard pen for reference.

The necklace compared in length to a standard pen for reference.

I mean look how gorgeous that engraving is! I totally love it!

I mean look how gorgeous that engraving is! I totally love it!

Next on the docket is this compact, personalized, minimalist wallet from Groovy Guy Gifts.

This wallet is seriously compact! Only slightly larger than a credit card.

Now this minimalist wallet was pitched as being something of a boys only club thing. I of course couldn’t hang with that so I had them put my own initials on it thinking that if I am going to blog about it then I better try it out myself.

This little slim dude is lightweight, but feels incredibly sturdy. I wasn’t sure about the clip on the back even for the intended purpose of a cash clip since I don’t love carrying cash(see photo below) at first, but then I realized that it was actually perfect for when I am going on my long walks and hiking 8+ miles for photoshoots and don’t want to have to carry my giant wallet. This wallet clips to my yoga pants or the inner pocket of my camera backpack with ease and makes it so easy to store my necessary driver’s license, debit/credit card, and a few business cards in case I get questions.

Bonus it is so lightweight that it never bothers me! I just clip it and go. I do not have to worry about the added weight of my massive billfold (it literally weighs four pounds) and also do not have to be concerned that my loose cards or ID etc may get lost in the shuffle.

The dubious money clip that gave me pause until I figured out a secondary use. I love clipping it to my yoga pants or on an inside pocket of my backpack to keep everything organized.

The dubious money clip that gave me pause until I figured out a secondary use. I love clipping it to my yoga pants or on an inside pocket of my backpack to keep everything organized.

The product works be having a super strong elastic band that clamps your cards in place. the website claims it can hold up to twelve cards, but I did not have twelve cards to test that theory. But it definitely holds five easily and securely!

It is a bit tricky to get open when there are no cards inside, but then it is easier to extract the needed items. You do have to have a decent level of hand strength. The elastic is really strong. So this may not be suitable for someone with weaker hands due to age or neurological disposition.

This elastic is no joke! It definitely keeps my cards safe.

This elastic is no joke! It definitely keeps my cards safe.

The wallet fits comfortably in my hand

The wallet fits comfortably in my hand

If you love this minimalist wallet and the personalized touch available to you through engraving you definitely should check out some of the other gifts available at Groovy Guy Gifts. They have a super helpful list of personalized gift options for the man (or woman who likes practical but personalized presents) that you can check out here.

These items were sent to me without charge, but I was not paid to present them in this blog post.