Busy Mom and Social Worker Wants To Appreciate Her Body // Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

This session was the definition of sultry AND sweet!

Brave Boss Babe A came in to my studio after having two children and LOVING being a mom, but trying to understand what that meant for her as a woman and wife. I feel like every mother has had these moments where they wonder what their roles are in their body after the transformation of childhood. They are always waiting and wondering just exactly WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO?!

Are they sexy?

Are they motherly?

Are they sweet?

Are they sultry?

We get so caught up trying to justify and establish their compartments that we forget that as women we are all of these things independently AND congruently. We are one thing and we are many. We are sweet and we are sexy. We are humble and we are heated. We are so much in one body and boudoir photography is just of way to understand how amazingly, purposefully, beautifully, and intentionally we are created.

BBBabe A, mother of two, social worker, and small business owner knew she was worth it. Do you?

**All images shared with permission from the subject of the image. No images ever shared without permission**


Wedding Favors from Forever Wedding Favors // Product Review

Connecting With Her Feminine Side // Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Connecting With Her Feminine Side // Kansas City Boudoir Photographer